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WHAT ARE THE COLORS OF YOUR URINATION AND URINATION WHICH FREQUENTLY ASK YOU FOR HEALTH? (YOU MUST KNOW THIS FACT) The color, frequent urination, density and smell of human urine can reveal a lot about your health. Urine is a body waste in liquid form, consisting mainly of water, salt, and chemicals called uric acid and urea. The kidneys produce it when they filter poisons and other harmful substances from the blood. In addition, foods, medications, and diseases can also affect the color of the urine. URINATION STARTED FREQUENTLY AND ANY COLOR OF YOUR URINE? When you are healthy, the color of the urine should be pale yellow or golden, and that color comes from the pigment that your body produces, called urochrome. Shadow, light or darkness can also change. When and if it does not have a color, it is probably because you have drunk a lot of water or taken a medicine called diuretic that helps the body to get rid of liquids. Very dark, honey or brown urines may indicate that y...


10 WARNING SIGNS YOU MAY BE A VICTIM OF HIV#natural remedies  - Around the start of this article you should comprehend that HIV is an unequivocally transmitted illness.  - This defilement shows up fundamentally by virtue of unprotected sex other than by getting in contact with somebody who is beginning at now a misfortune of it.  - As you undeniably know, each tribulation has a smooth start. To be unequivocal you can't all things considered discover the illumination for a basic cerebral distress. Along these lines it is essential that you know your body and not to disregard any developments that happen.  - Here in this article we will exhibit to you some profitable information about the most generally perceived signs and reactions of HIV. Guarantee you review them and offer it with your friends and family.  FEVER  - While having regular flu, abrupt fever can be a commonplace thing. Regardless in case this fever stays f...